Grow Your Business and Make More Sales With Social Media (8 Easy Tips)


In Nigeria, Social media has become a very powerful tool for the spread of information on the Internet. Social media platforms are a great tool that every business owner (big or small) is expected to take advantage of if they want to attract the right customers and boost sales. Although there are thousands or probably millions of active users, popular social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Google+, and LinkedIn offer the ideal tool for business owners to promote their

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The Revolution of Social Media Stories for Business


Long before 2013, the word “story” had the same outstanding denotation that it has had for several years. Now, stories have turn out to be the dominant form of life sharing especially on social media. Before Snapchat Stories came in October 2013, the only “stories” people told on social media were being done by long-winded Facebook and Twitter users. The internet was ideally unaware of the pattern-changing impact that this feature would have. There are some key social media platforms

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