Everything a beginner needs to know about SEO

seo-for-beginners by eze erondu

When Search Engines were created, an entirely new era began: an era of Search Engine Optimization – SEO. SEO is all about improving your website’s visibility on various search engines. Now, SEO is divided into two main parts: On-page and Off-page. In this post, i’ll expose you to a simple guide to understanding and improving your on-page SEO (Off-page SEO will be fully discussed in the next post). I suggest you take just a little time to edit titles and

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choosing-the-best-website-design-agency-in-abuja-best-tips-eze erondu

Generally, business owners (especially small start-ups) are usually thrilled to have a website but unfortunately, most of the time, these websites fail to become income streams for their business. I have taken time out to list few questions you should ask yourself before contacting a local Web Designer to begin a Website project. Answering these questions will help you to get quality results with less budget and in less time. These questions will also deliver a healthier understanding of your

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6 Important Skills Digital Marketing Team Should possess


6 Important Skills Digital Marketing Team Should possess Whether the goal is Lead Generation, Brand Awareness, Sales…   Keep one thing in mind- the task of every single Digital Marketing team is to produce results.   Developing a more solid online presence and building reputation among prospects has become more important for companies in the last year, with more businesses actively advertising on the internet. There is a pattern of how those teams are put together and one of the most

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5-solid-tips-for-email-marketing, Eze Erondu

“Em… Should i open this Email?” We all ask this question when we are being alerted of a new mail. Now, consider a situation whereby that recipient is a potential customer or even a sponsor, the answer to that question could really determine your revenue growth. “To reply, or not to reply?” What do you think the answer will be? What next action do you think your audience will take? So, obviously, we want the answer to be “reply.” Check

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